How We Help
How We Help
BBI is the premier business development organization uniquely supporting Black businesses in Atlantic Canada, working to address the many challenges inherent to Black Canadians and that constitute impediments to business start-ups, continued growth and scaling, including but not limited to the lack of business skills, a prevalent weak business culture, low level of participation in high value sectors such as digital and technology, communities that are sparsely spread out, a lack of access to information and resources as well as discriminatory behavior experienced by many individuals when they attempt to access mainstream institutions.
BBI places priority on supporting entrepreneurship in Black-owned firms to improve capacity and productivity, invest in strategic innovations and enhance global and regional competitiveness. This includes educating Black business owners while supporting business start-ups, business growth and business attraction to Atlantic Canada.
BBI offers several programs and services designed to assist start-up companies and aspiring entrepreneurs in the Black Community as well as growing and established companies. Business support programs and services offered include:
BBI, through its team of Business Advisors (BAs), provides business development support to business clients who are at various levels of growth, including ideation stage and start-up, all the way to mature companies with many years of existence. A business advisor provides business counseling and advisory services, mentorship (internal and external), access to resources including business tools, training opportunities, financing, procurement and supply chain access, networking, and integration into the mainstream business sector. BBI also leverages various partner organizations to provide expert support at all levels of company development.
BBI provides dedicated training support to businesses through in-house developed and facilitated, partner-delivered, and third-party programs. Clients have access to training programs that range from basic business skills to job readiness training programs and skills training as well as computer and technology skills training, among others. Clients can also access expertise and support through consulting advisory services and similar programs. Through the CAS program, clients can, for example, integrate technology such as e-commerce into their business, access marketing and sales expertise, or develop/improve web presence.
BBI works with businesses to access business resources and capital. BBI is a founding partner of the Federation of African Canadian Economics (F.A.C.E), an entity that provides loan financing to Black-owned businesses across Canada. BBI also partners and leverages capital and resources available through other organizations, such as Futurpreneur, BDC, CBDC, and banks. EEMs work with businesses to identify and access various other mainstream supports such as government programs
BBI has a robust communication strategy which includes initiatives such as media partnerships, enhanced and interactive web and social media tools as well as rebranding of the organization that helps us to reach a larger audience, improve access to programs and services, and help us to engage more effectively with our clients and other stakeholders. We also produce and publish the Black 2 Business magazine, a biannual Black Business Directory and Annual Reports. Through all platforms we seek to showcase the breadth and depth of Black-owned businesses and their successes.